Krishi Vigyan Kendra Fatehgarh Sahib organized vocational training course on Latest Trends in Fashion Designing under the guidance of Dr. S C Sharma, Associate Director (Training) emphasised that such vocational training programmes are important for the rural girls to develop their skills and competencies and economic independence. Dr. Manisha Bhatia Assistant Professor (Home Science) equipped the trainees with various techniques of designing. Different techniques of value addition to the fabric including block painting, stencil painting, tie and dye and methods for removal of different stains from different types of fabric were demonstrated to the trainees.
Emphasis was also given on the designing principles, precision to be kept in mind while preparing garments, presentation of garments in boutiques, importance of maintaining accounts and the importance and client satisfaction. Dr. Arvindpreet Kaur Assistant Professor (Horticulture) laid emphasis on the importance of nutrition garden for healthy living. Mrs Satvir Kaur discussed the economic aspect of starting boutique as enterprise. Dr. Reet Verma, Incharge KVK motivated the trainees to adopt the techniques of fashion designing for adding income to the family.