Core Activity

Training Programs
Imparting need based training to farmers and farm women in location specific technologies in field crops, horticultural crops, animal husbandry, Soil Science, Apiculture and Mushroom farming etc.

Organization of vocational training to rural youths in Horticulture, Plant Protection, Animal Husbandary, Home science fields Imparting training to extension functionaries of State Development Departments within the area of operation with emerging advances in agricultural research.

On Farm Testing
Testing of technologies on farmers’ fields for it’s assessment and refinement.

Front Line Demonstrations
Organization of Front Line Demonstration on farmers’ fields on oilseeds, pulses, cereals, & other crops and enterprises to generate production data and feedback information.

Extension Activities
Organisation of extension activities to support training, on-farm testing and front line demonstration activities through field days and campaigns and through media etc.